Friday, September 8, 2023

Off and Running

We're off to a great start here in fourth grade. Your children are learning classroom routines and systems, how to work together as a team, and what it means to be a self-directed learner. We are also beginning our academic studies in earnest with word study, literacy, and math units being rolled out.

Our week in math has been devoted to developing the mindsets and collaborative spirit of our fourth grade mathematicians. Student began the week identifying myths and truths about mathematicians by seeing the different between good mathematicians and great mathematics. For example, good mathematicians work quickly whereas great mathematicians work slowly. Students then created their own myths and truths. The results were awesome. One noteworthy example was a fourth grader's observation that good mathematicians an always correct and great mathematicians sometimes make mistakes. 

As quality math understandings are developed collaboratively students identified what they like and dislike from partners when working on math. Students then saw how math can be like a puzzle in a quest to see patterns and how, sometimes, those patterns are present all around us. They saw how Fibonacci's Sequence illustrates this. Then they began a partner activity looking at Pascal's triangle which presented them with opportunities to see patterns in math while being a high quality partner. 

Our classes are beginning their first Investigations unit of fourth grade. This addition and subtraction unit focuses on three main mathematical concepts.
  1. Extending knowledge of the number system to 1,000,000
  2. Adding and subtracting fluently: clear, concise notation including the US algorithms
  3. Describing, analyzing, and comparing strategies for adding and subtracting whole numbers
Both classes are reviewing important aspects of fiction. We are using both short picture books, such as Fredrick and The Snail and the Whale, and a longer novel, Fourth Grade Rats, to learn about plot, setting, climax, and theme. Students used a Story Map and and Plot Summary paragraph to demonstrate their learnings. 

Students are starting a brief writing project that asks them to compose a paragraph describing what makes them special. This is an accessible entry point to writing since it's a topic students are familiar with and also allows us to zoom in on and review the conventions of writing. 

Fourth graders will soon kick off Module 1: Poetry, Poets, and Becoming Writers of our new EL Education literacy program. In order for you as parents to gain an understanding of the curriculum's overarching goals we're providing a snapshot of our first unit.

There are two main themes in this module. What makes a poem and poem? What inspires writers to write poetry? As students explore their own thinking around these big ideas they will:
  • determine the theme of a story
  • cite evidence to support thinking
  • describe in-depth characters, the setting, or an event in literature
  • determine the meaning of words in text
  • explain the major differences between poems, drama, and prose
  • refer to details in text when making inferences
  • apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words
  • read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
  • write informational texts to examine a topic and convey ideas clearly
  • engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions
To address student spelling skills and conceptual understanding the fourth graders will be meeting in one of three different groups during our word study block. Students groups were developed using grade three teacher input, assessments, and previous classroom performance. Mr. Underwood and Mr. Mumford are using the Spellography program with their groups and Mrs. Hubbell is using a hybrid of Fundations and Spellography with her students. 


Mr. McDonough offers Movement Club for third and fourth grade students on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:40 - 8:00. This has been a very popular offering in past years. Please check with your child to see if they want to join in the fun. Fourth graders can inform us so they have a spot reserved for their participation. The goals of Movement Club are to:
  1. get the day off to a positive and energizing start
  2. practice fair play and good sportsmanship
  3. learn new games that can be played at recess.

The office staff has requested that parents update school dismissal plans on Pick Up Patrol if they haven't done so already. 

To help reduce illness transmission families are encouraged to send in water bottles for their children. We've been using cups for students without their own water bottles, but this isn't really sustainable for the year. 

Head to the Woodstock History Center this Saturday, September 9, from 1:00 - 3:00 for some old time fun. Activities will include games, a magician, face painting, crafts, food, and live music by Trifolium. Admission, food, and games are just 25 cents each. Activities are geared toward pre-school and elementary-age children.