As we close out the first week of October we would like to share the learning from the last few weeks and provide a brief preview of the learning ahead.
We are deep into our first Literacy Module entitled, Poem, Poetry, and Becoming Writers. Students have learned to "close read" through our story Love That Dog while simultaneously analyzing the poems our main character reads on his poetry journey. Using poems such as "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost and the first stanza of William Blake's "Tiger", our fourth graders have learned the characteristics of poems: structure (lines, stanzas), rhyme, rhythm, repetition, and imagery. They have also worked hard to communicate the gist of a piece of writing, write a summary, compare poetry to prose, and understand theme. Our pace through Love that Dog quickens moving forward as the story comes to a climax and our fourth graders crystallize their learning about poetry.
As you may have heard we took a spontaneous hike to the summit of Mt. Peg on Wednesday after Mr Mumford and Mr. U were inspired by a spontaneously created poem from one of our fourth graders. We used this experience on that beautiful day to collect images, words, and moments that might be a source of inspiration for future poems and writings authored by your children.
In Math we have reviewed the important concept of place value and multi-digit addition. In previous grades students learned a few different ways to add multi-digit numbers. We introduced a few other strategies including the US Standard Algorithm. By the end of this unit students should be comfortable and accurate with using many of these strategies. This past week we focused on multi-digit subtraction. Students reviewed a few strategies they know and learned two more including expanded form and the US Standard Algorithm.
This week our fourth graders will be introduced to the fourth grade Math Menu. The practice of Math Menu, one that most of our students are familiar with, allows our fourth graders to continuously practice past learnings at their own pace through guided choices. While there will be time to work on the Math Menu in school, students should feel empowered to bring their Math Menu home to work on - although this is not a requirement.
Our fourth graders seemed to enjoy the opening activities of our first Science unit entitled, "Changes in the Earth's Surface." They looked at images of the earth's surface, hypothesized what force caused the change, and categorized those forces into fast or slow processes. Students will continue to uncover the natural forces that shape Earth's landscape (glaciers, weathering, erosion, root and ice wedging) while looking for evidence to support their thinking about those changes.
This past week we began our first WIN cycle. During this time our fourth graders meet with a teacher to focus on skills and learnings catered to the needs of groups of students. For example, Mr. Mumford and Mr. U's WIN group is focusing on Reading Volume and Fluency while Ms. Sleeper's group is focusing on Math understandings.
During our FLEX periods these past few weeks Mr. U and Mr. Mumford have introduced the concepts of Growth Mindset and Mindfulness respectively. While these sound similar they are distinctly different. Growth Mindset, popularized by Carol Dweck, is the understanding that intelligence and ability is not fixed but is developed, like a muscle. Simply, growth mindset is the belief that individuals get smarter. Mr. U's class discussed the traits of determination, perseverance, resilience, and stamina as powers that help us be more growth oriented. Mr. Mumford's class has been working on Mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of recognizing the power of one's mind to become more aware of itself, its body, and its surroundings. Through daily active practice Mr. Mumford's class is building mindfulness. While these are ongoing practices, each class will switch their emphasis so that all our our fourth graders develop these important understandings.
This seems like an appropriate place to mention that two Fridays ago our students went to the Town Hall Theater to watch a performance of "Dot Dot Dot." This musical, based on the book The Dot, contained many of the same messages we are hoping our fourth graders are learning through these types of lessons.
Lastly, both classes have or will begin explicit cursive instruction. Using the Zane-Bloser method of handwriting practice our fourth graders are learning the strokes needed for effective cursive handwriting. Effective handwriting and letter formation is an important pillar for reading and writing and compliments the keyboarding our fourth graders are also practicing.
As always, thank you for your continued support.